Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nana peserta sulung?? Wow.. 0.0

Yesterday's article in Pendidikan section in Berita Harian newspaper had this highlighted:

"Nurhana wakil negara sertai MMOC 2009 di Toronto, Kanada"

Mcm x caye.. But its real! Anyway, if u read tis somewhere in Toronto,Nana..believe me our prayers are with u.. Just do your best and may Allah bless beyond what u expect.. ;)

We r rooting for you here..Wo0Hoo!! :)

Selamat pergi and selamat pulang k! *wink*

*Lucks is yours, Wishes are ours* :)


keiton said...

nana da dpt tenet!!
endu korg smu!
esok na start testing.
i will do my best!
hugs to all..
pity putih.. :(

Yatty said...

Hoho..mcm ssh je nk dpt tenet..ksian..nk kate dok hulu x gak..We watched the result on the net..seems Thailand mng tis year for Microsoft Word 2007 category. Haha..muke skema..kap kun kap.. :P